Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm not missing anything- the U.S. Government is making me ill

Listening to the General and Ambassador today in front of Congress made me physically ill. They all made me feel sick because they talk under this horrible assumption our "hands are tied" and we are over there and need to make the best of it. That progress has been made under our justifications, not the fact there's less people around to DIE, millions of refugees not around to be counted in these futile facts. What happened to the lie which brought us into this atrocity of humanity? These disgusting tyrants laugh, smile, eat with their familes, and pretend it's all been a joke, that they were wrong but who cares now right? I have to listen to this childish and empty official language by tax-dollar recipients, avoiding the question of what this war really is? And not recognizing that it's a rhetorical question because every last United States citizen believes we are there for the wrong reasons or for no reason at all. Who are we to use the phrase "failure?" Is this some science experiment by a spoiled group of private middle-schoolers? All empty, just all empty, like the single voice of the lone protester escorted out of the building...I wish I was courageous enough to leave work and protest. I pray to gain the courage, the lack of which has held me back from my patriotic duty to oppose, physically revolt against this war in our nation's capital...