Sunday, March 30, 2008

John Adams Series

I just finished watching the fourth installment of John Adams with Jess and it's a stark reminder of what an atrocity a good portion of our political processes and personalities have become. Before the world of corporate interest and inept leaders, before wars waged for profit, pride, and under false pretense, there were strong and venerable politicians that shared a bond with all Americans and spoke their hearts and acted in the best interest for each and every being that lived under their flag. Comprised primarily of white men then as is the case now, the founding fathers did lack the recognition of the equality of all people of color and gender (not to mention sexual orientation) which cannot be excused and cannot be separated from the conversation. But as the strides have been made on the race and gender front, it still remains three steps too stagnant and our politician's connection to the general public is weaker than it's been in perhaps our entire country's history.