Tuesday, March 11, 2008

American Idol

All right, nothing worth repeating about what reality shows say about our culture. I am not an outright cynic; I've always had a soft spot for pop culture. But nothing could prepare me for a certain clip from Idol tonight.

Before each idol's performance, they gave a brief interview with cutaway shots of the idols during photoshoots. The idol representing alternative rock personality "A" was shown in midswing smashing a guitar against the floor a la Hendrix a la Townsend a la Cobain. Hey everyone can pay a little homage to the greats now and again by destroying their musical vehicle, perhaps find their own special little metaphor; oppression, mortality, rebellion. But this was even more beautiful because it was staged. This guy from Tulsa did it during a photoshoot. And the ironic reflection of culture in its spotless mirror is blinding.