Monday, March 10, 2008

The Wire Season 5 Finale (nothing given away)

The final episode is brilliance in motion. It is a critique of an America that should be acknowledged by every political figure and community representative on a much greater scale. It is a critique that should be replicated for every city in America. It is unique to Baltimore, but also ties a common thread to the impoverished, underprivileged experience throughout this nation and the corruption that allows it to occur. The vicious cycle continues to propel unchecked. The sad part is the corruption, violence, tragedy, and anguish that this remarkable drama showed us may not even come close to how clear its reflection of reality truly is. When it turns back to face itself, we’ll all be (or continue to be) so ashamed by our ineptness.

Beyond the wars we wage overseas, beyond the economic turmoil unfolding in front of us, unstoppable and indomitable, lies a neglected Universe within our cities and under our very nose. And though it feels so far away from our vaulted ceilings and flat-screen plasmas, it will catch up with all of us. The fear and the anguish and the tragedy will eventually place itself right outside our door.

And just like turning off the lights or buying a hybrid vehicle to do your part in downsizing global carbon emissions, the same step-by-step effect can and will have an impact on the greater good of this American fabric we call the poor and the corruption that perpetuates it. Maybe a day, even an hour a week spent determining how we can make our leaders take these domestic problems more seriously, how we can make change really happen and not wait for the meandering system to offer up some “doctored stats” on our behalf is all it actually takes.