Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lost Reconciliation

After my scathing review of the Lost premiere, I’ve honestly come around and started enjoying the show again. Just like old times Ma! You forget about the constant climaxes before a commercial break because you just mute and fast forward those buggers. You forget about the level of dialogue believability and the constant gun-slinging Iraqis and remember this is supposed to be about catharsis! I always have to remind myself, escapism and the mystery of entertainment is as old as the Greeks. The pseudo-intellectual artistic burden to move away from evoking emotions –from fear, curiosity, bewilderment- to instead create the shadow of those emotions and a veil of confusion. Lynch and a few others occasionally create something viewable and brilliant, but only in those fleeting moments where something feels real. And not just real when you’re on drugs. My point is this- I love Kung Fu and I love time travel.