Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lost Premiere

Lost Premiere
The executive producers of Lost need to go to church. Not for pious inspiration. Not for existential certitude. But to remind themselves the faithful are supposed to be rewarded. The Lost season premiere showed the same alluring qualities of past seasons: the surreal elements of the island, the mysterious storylines, and the unique interplay of flashbacks and flash-forwards. However, these elements that made me a staunch believer don’t compensate for the parade of dialogue hang-nails and one-liners, sappy musical crescendos, and the overall ineptitude of the script. And how can I even consider renewing my faith with the blatant false advertising of a two-hour premiere when the first hour was only a recap to entice newcomers? Shame on the Lost deities. This is how you reward your devout? It appears they’ve taken the money from the collection plate and run.