I am perplexed, horrified, and disgusted by the clandestine operations of the federal reserve over the past few days in their refusal to identify recipients of over $2 trillion in emergency loans from our tax dollars.
Furthermore, I continue to be against these additional bailouts of the American auto giants who still advertise at an excessive clip, and certainly are wasting money on sky-high executive salaries. I'm so tired of having my hand forced in something I do not believe in! There are so many businesses, both native to San Diego and across this great country, that are struggling because government funding still gets tied up in the hand-holding of these historic mammoths that do nothing for sustainability, nothing for progress, only continue to work for a buck and nothing more.
What can you do to help here? What would you recommend? I don't want to keep paying tax dollars that are going into the pockets of these fledgling, antiquated corporations that do not have my family's best interest in mind, nor their workers.
Your humble constituent,
Ryan Gordon