Thursday, October 9, 2008

Zombie Allure

Why do Jess and I love Zombie movies sooooooo much? I think because it's the closest we get to republican voters. No seriously I think it's that standard fasc w/ abom (see heart of darkness) not to mention just pure entertainment that can always be excused away as allegory for consumer/conservative/corporate America.

we watched resident evil 3rd installment last night for 2nd or maybe 3rd time and we're talking a body count somewhere in the low thousands. i hate brainless fodder, hehe, but we're not talking about script or anything else, we're talking pure fantasy and fascination and the fine line between fiction and reality. cause these mofo's look so incredibly real for the exception of the pan out aerial shots (a la' google earth) similar to what you see in lord of the rings, where you can almost smell the BO of CGI animators close by. but the combination of make up and computer graphics of close-up zombies would do mr. romero proud, who of course still continues to make zombies more terrifying and faster than ethiopian marathon record breakers.

i remember this chilly night in chicago walking aimlessly in boy's town (no quips please), honestly i really don't know where it was but i really want to sound authentic to you readers, and i randomly cross the street in a mellow drunken stooper and bump right into george freakin romero signing autographs after some small time film festival. this is the father of modern horror and in fact was the first to take advantage of a small window in which the MPAA and the old hollywood unspoken code briefly parted, and out came night of the living dead. i wanted to ask him, was it a critique more of the finger-pointing mccarthy era or of the civil rights battle? or perhaps an early foreshadowing of the pending culture wars of the nixon era? i walked up to him, and said, thank you, you still give me nightmares.