Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Moguls Steal Home While Companies Strike Out

A great article drawing parallels between recent wall street crisis and the demolition of Yankees stadium:

The new colossus will cast its majestic shadow across the South Bronx, one of the nation's poorest neighborhoods. The residents will watch from the outside as suburban drivers avail themselves of 9,000 new or refurbished parking spaces. Never mind all the exhaust, even though in this part of New York City respiratory disease is already so high they call it "Asthma Alley."
Not that the well-to-do in the infield seats will have to hear the wheezing. They'll have exclusive access to a private club, a private entrance and a private elevator, totems of this gilded age. Let the games begin.

read more: http://www.truthout.org/article/moguls-steal-home-while-companies-strike-out
by: Bill Moyers and Michael Winship, t r u t h o u t Perspective