Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Forgotten Iraq May Elect the Next President: Whose War Will Win the Election - McCain's or Obama's?

by: Ira Chernus, TomDispatch.com

"The forgotten man," now joined by an equally empowered "forgotten woman," is back in American politics. Terrified by a financial system they are assured is beyond anyone's control, they are shouting from Main Street loud enough for Wall Street and K Street to hear. Americans know enough about finance to understand one simple fact: When you're wasting jaw-dropping amounts of public money every day on a disastrous war, you can't be cavalier about spending hundreds of billions more on another self-proclaimed emergency, especially when there's no reason in the world to believe the administration has the answer to either of them. Come Election Day, many may simply say: Let the other guy run the show for a while.