Monday, September 22, 2008

Clean-Coal Debut in Germany

Definitely an interesting step in the discussion b/w the advocates of clean coal and those who thinks it's a distraction. C02 is captured and then stored, a process called Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS):

The separated carbon dioxide will be cooled down to -28 °C and liquefied. Starting next year, the plan is to transport it by truck 150 miles northwest, to be injected 3,000 meters underground into a depleted inland gas field in Altmark. Ideally, in the future, the gas will be carried by pipeline to underground storage, says Vattenfall.
Compressing and transporting the carbon dioxide takes energy, as does the initial extraction of nitrogen. So these processes reduce the overall efficiency of the plant, although Vattenfall is attempting to counter this by investigating ways of boosting the efficiency of the boiler--by predrying the coal, for example.