Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama Acceptance Speech

I felt obligated to write on the historic event in Denver last night. It does show the world a symbol of American tolerance, and creates a tiny ember to restore -or should I say recreate- a pole in which other nations can set their own moral compass.

It is not our obligation, nor is it our right to directly influence other sovereign states through intrusion, political or otherwise. But to utilize our indirect influence of cultural admiration for the good of humankind -rather than for perpetuation of immoral traits as we've seen exemplified in the current president's administration- this is what we can do and be proud to do.

Racism and prejudice are still all too common in America, but this symbol of a person of color reaching the nomination for the nation's most prestigious occupation becomes the most perfect proof, the most perfect example to support the thesis set forth by our Constituion; anyone can prosper in this great nation and to any extent.