Tuesday, May 13, 2008

letter to Chrysler

To Whom It May Concern:

I'm 26 years old and VP of sales for a men's fashion designer. I wanted to comment on your recent "2.99 gallon" promotion I noticed during the NBA playoffs on Turner Network Television. After discussing the ad with a comprehensive demographic cross-section (friends, family, business associates), there was unanimous agreement the promotion feels like a shallow cover-up to boost sales in a slow economic time. I am fully convinced the majority of Americans are more interested in plug-in hybrids and fully-electric cars because of the dire reality of steadily rising gas prices and environmental impact from carbon emissions. We are all well-informed these days. Coming from a strong sales and marketing background, I would suggest you think outside the box and don't underestimate how much people want to feel they're making a difference.

RJ Gordon